Microsoft Stock Price Today Per Share

Price to earnings ratio vs.
Microsoft stock price today per share. You ll find the microsoft share forecasts stock quote and buy sell signals below according to present data microsoft s msft shares and potentially its market environment have been in a bullish cycle in the last 12 months if exists. Discover historical prices for msft stock on yahoo finance. Buy or sell microsoft stock. Market cap usd 1 588 44 b book value per share 15 58 free float in 98 52 cash flow per share 7 16.
View daily weekly or monthly format back to when microsoft corporation stock was issued. Stock analysis for microsoft corp msft nasdaq gs including stock price stock chart company news key statistics fundamentals and company profile. Aapl complete apple inc. Stock news by marketwatch.
View real time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Stock market info recommendations. Wall street stock market finance report prediction for the future. Msft complete microsoft corp.
View real time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Stock news by marketwatch. Find the latest microsoft corporation msft stock quote history news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. The market the p e ratio of microsoft is 36 33 which means that it is trading at a more expensive p e ratio than the market average p e ratio of about 17 37.