Apple Shares Price History

Data provided by edgar online.
Apple shares price history. View daily weekly or monthly format back to when apple inc. Historical stock price lookup. You could have bought. Investor relations stock price.
View real time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview. Historical daily share price chart and data for apple since 1980 adjusted for splits. Investor relations dividend history. Ipod 300 apple share price then.
Only 16 years ago apple released the very first ipod which. Discover historical prices for aapl stock on yahoo finance. Apple last split its stock in 2014 when it enacted a 7 for 1 split as its share price reached 700. Find the latest apple inc.
The latest closing stock price for apple as of august 14 2020 is 459 63. Stock news by marketwatch. The all time high apple stock closing price was 460 04 on august 13 2020. Stock split history for apple since 1980.
Prices shown are actual historical values and are not adjusted for either splits or dividends. 1 37 apple stock to the value of the product would now be worth. Here s how many shares an investor would own if they d bought a single share before apple s. Please see the historical prices tab for adjusted price values.
The apple 52 week high stock price is 464 17 which is 1 above the current share price. Reflects first date shares trade on a split adjusted basis. Aapl stock quote history news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. The apple 52 week low stock price is 201 00 which is 56 3 below the.