
Appeal definition an earnest request for aid support sympathy mercy etc.
Appeal. Timely resort by an unsuccessful party in a lawsuit or administrative proceeding to an appropriate superior court empowered to review a final decision on the ground that it was based upon an erroneous application of law. Find descriptive alternatives for appeal. Appeal definition is a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court. Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Appeal countable and uncountable plural appeals an application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for re examination or review. A resort to a higher authority or greater power as for sanction corroboration or a. A request made to a court of law or. In fact commentators have observed that common law jurisdictions were particularly slow to incorporate a right to appeal into either its civil or criminal.
A person who initiates an appeal the appellant sometimes called the plaintiff in error must file a notice of. How to use appeal in a sentence. A request to the public for money information or help. Appeal means to ask or address if you appeal to someone s better nature you re asking them for mercy.
If you appeal to someone to do something you make a serious and urgent request to them. Appeal synonyms appeal pronunciation appeal translation english dictionary definition of appeal. Although some scholars argue that the right to appeal is itself a substantive liberty interest the notion of a right to appeal is a relatively recent advent in common law jurisdictions. If a shirt doesn t appeal to you you could also say it doesn t speak to you or more simply you don t like it.