1984 Apple S First Macintosh Commercial

It was directed by ridley scott and went on to win many awards including.
1984 apple s first macintosh commercial. It was conceived by steve hayden brent thomas and lee clow at chiat day produced by new york production company fairbanks films and directed by ridley scott. The 60 second piece which aired as a commercial only once basically launched apple s macintosh computer. 1984 is an american television commercial that introduced apple s macintosh computer shown first time at 1983 apple keynote. I ve transcribed the dialogue in apple s 1984 commercial announcing the macintosh.
1984 is an american television commercial that introduced the apple macintosh personal computer. Iconic 1984 apple computer macintosh commercial conceived by chiat day and directed by ridley scott was nationally aired on television only once during the. This ad has been many a times touted as possibly the best ad of all times. The video is a 13 7 meg mov quicktime file.
Click here to reach a page with links to it as well as ads in which apple slams dos and a few saturday night live parodies of apple commercials.